Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Name Change

Random thought of the day: I think I will change my name again. Why you ask? After all, Michelle pronounceable, easily spellable, and was one of the most popular names for a girl in the 80's. Simply put, a nice, normal name and the exact reason why I change it regularly. Perhaps, I also think that I am Madonna (and always the Beyonce, in case I am confusing anyone) and can just re-invent myself at a whim.

In the 8th grade I convinced my entire class that my real name was Shelby, but when I was 3 my parents decided that they had made a terrible mistake in making me sound like a country singer and legally changed my name to Michelle. Then there was the time from 1996 to 1998 that I spelled my name Meshell just to confuse people and/or be a difficult teenager. Those years I even made the yearbook editor change the spelling of my name. In college it was back to Michelle except for my fabulous EC roomie who only called me Elle.

And then there was the whole MichelleLynn thing that lasted a month.

Now, I think it is Miche. Short, sweet, to the point.

There you have it, another name attention-getting transformation.