Sunday, July 31, 2005

Tacky Tourists

Money, guns, booze, and a good pair a fishnets..
what more can a girl ask for?

Yep, this weekend marked the mandatory Dells outing! The highlighted tacky tour included:

1) A trip to Tommy Barlett's Exploratory (formally known as Robot World), cause I love me some Animatronics! I was nearly heart-broken to find that the faux Star Wars/Disney hybrid robot attraction had been gutted and replaced with the MIR space station. Who wants the left-over Russian Space capsule when you can have a poor-man's TomorrowLand straight out of a Jetson's cartoon? Anyway, moving along..

2) As you can see it was a hair raising experience....

Nearly 17,000 volts of static electricity were running
through me, causing a seriously severe 'do.

3) In the Exploratory, Shauna got to practice her Ninja skills...

Seriously, don't mess with this Beverly Hills Ninja.

4) A rare find: a "Whispering Dish." Insert ironic joke here...

Where to begin on this one...

5) The "Air Bike" was test-driven

Hmmm anyone thinking..Da-da-da-dam?

6) Dinner at Marley's: 2 for 1 Mai Tais and a 'Gator sandwich for Shauna B.