Friday, July 08, 2005

Friday, Finally...

As I was unpacking last night I realized that I have more shot glasses then I have real glasses. Is that a problem? I swear, I didn't buy half of them....

I also swear I have a summary for the 4th of July Extravaganza (and some pretty interesting pics)....I just haven't had enough computer access this week to blog out the adventures.

A sneak peak:

*Disc Golfing should not be played in heels and/or dresses unless you want to be laughed at. If it is humanly possible to make this hippie drench sport Bourgeoisie-ish, Jenna and I did. Yes, we might have ruined it.

*Don't let Shelly run around your apartment when she is drunk and it is dark and you haven't finished unpacking your kitchen. Bad idea.

*Febreeze not only rids clothes of cigarette stank, but dissolves paranoia as well.

*After finally conforming and watching my first episode of Seinfeld, I don't get what everyone raves about.

*I was out cleaved at my own game, on my turf, by Jenna.