Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Diet Martha

CASA DE SHAUNA B- Martha Stewart meets Bridget Jones today when Michelle attempts to cook an entire dinner for the first time since the Anniversary Incident of 1997 which involved frozen fish sticks and burnt pre-made cookies. The ambitious dinner party goal, set by Shauna B., is to feature the culinary treats of two hopelessly un-domesticated Trixies who’s everyday idea of dinner involves either microwaving, ordering in, or dinning out. The girls inspired to do their Martha-lite version of the 50's housewife, was prompted as the most ridiculous, uncharacteristic and entertaining way to say "Thank You" to both Andy and Boisen for helping us move heavy things, hook up complicated electronics, following directions/use all pieces/put together drawers correctly (as opposed to just glueing them together), being our occasional SD’s, and routinely putting up with drama.

In a shocking revolution, this is also the second time this year that Martha has inspired a party (see the 3/7/05 Spring Martha From Jail party).

For the purpose of those legally minded, and are visualizing a potential Personal Injury case (no..ok, maybe it is just me....), it should be noted that both boys fully understand the situation they are dealing with. It should also be noted that Boisen is medically trained and in case of poisoning, he should know what to do. No one should die from this event.

In case of utter culinary failure, pizza delivery will be called in as a back-up.
This better not be an premonition for the evening: I totally just fried my Lean Cusine in the mic, damn it! I am screwed aren't I? Let's hope Shauna B is better at this whole dinner cooking thing....