Thursday, July 21, 2005

Totally Annoying Brats...

God damn it, terrorists! You are seriously pissing me off. Stop trying to get attention by playing the annoying younger sibling role. By continuing your attempt to disturb the Western world (ahem...those more civilized than you) isn't going to get us to change a damn thing on how we live, the religion we so chose to follow, or our foreign policies.

You better stop it or we might start ignoring you, look at what happened to North Korea when they recently tried to get attention...

No, hmmm, ignoring you isn't going to work? Now you have done it! Now we are going to have to tell dad what you did, and unfortunately for you (and I suppose us liberal/anti-war types too..), our daddy likes to blow things up.

You are so grounded mister! Go back to your caves and sit and think about what you did and how embarrassing you are to the real Islamic followers, the peace loving kind.