Saturday, August 27, 2005

Friday Night

Crazy things happen when you deviate from your typical schedule. Instead of going to Crave, as we have every Friday since June, we opted for something new. The bar of the week and potentially our new Friday night home is: Mercury Cafe. Some of the evening's events:

1) Charlie made the mistake of spacing out in the middle of one of stories. Unbeknownst to him, if ask me a story and then stop paying attention, I just might get mean. Poor Charlie, he didn't know. Lucky for him my aim had become a bit disabled, and the battery that was intended to forcefully strike his head ended up grazing his chest.

Yes, I threw a battery at Charlie...and he kind of liked it..

2) Our bartender not only fed us shots, but showed us a surprise under his apron. Let's just say Andy was less than pleased with what came shooting out next to his face. Ok that sounds bad, really it was perfectly legally and in no way REALLY Indecent Exposure.

3) Shauna B, jumping on the gag bandwagon, also thought it would be fun to tell our bartender the story about a recent scarring "up close encounter" that I had with The New Total Ass.

4) While waiting for our Ian's pizza, there might have also been a purchase of a candy fun by Miss Shauna B.

Serves 20! That's a whole lotta loving!

5) I don't remember why this started or how it started. It made me kind of scream though.

The Evenings quotes:

"We have to admit people are stupid, that's the first step in ridding ourselves of them."