Monday, August 29, 2005


After talking to Task for nearly 2 hours tonight a few things were confirmed:

* In November I will be attending my first Jewish wedding with Task. What multicultural fun! A whole night hanging with "the crew," you know I couldn't be more excited!

* Task recently had a scarring event to rival my own. Suffice it to say, we still aren't sure who's is worse.

* Verizon, as always, managed to lose my call no less than 4 times during this 2 hour chat. If it wasn't for the fact that it took me 2 hours to bedazzle my Verizon brand cell phone, I would leave this bitch-ass company for good. I shake my fist at you Verizon!

* I miss you Tasky! Come back to Madison where you belong. Your eclectic group of friends here need you to complete our circle of degeneracy (and I mean that in the most loving way).

[EDITOR'S NOTE: This post was waaaay more sassy when I wrote it last night, but then I realized just how offensive it really could be this is the PC boring version of it.]


Happy Belated Birthday Ambular!