Sunday, January 10, 2010

Rave Review: Shape Ups

Last Friday in Chicago was a sloppy slushy mess thanks to the weather gods who dumped like a foot of snow on the Second City. As much as I loooove wearing my Uggies on a cold winter day, I just couldn't torture them by wearing them in a practical swamp land. In a pinch for shoewear, I instead decided to sport my new Shape ups that Santa brought me, as the souls of the shoes are like moon boots. I figured at least my jeans wouldn't get wet.

During lunch, I had to run an errand that took much of the hour and by the time I was sitting back at my desk I'll tell ya, I sure was feeling the burn in my bum and thighs. These things really work! It takes a while to get used to them, as you feel like you are walking on a moon walk, they are a little bit pricey, and you definately can't run in them, but I'm happy with them and will be wearing them more often. Added bonus, my jeans didn't get wet either!