Wednesday, October 19, 2005


What I have done this week so far....

Sunday- Field Trip to the ER
Pro: HOTT doctor took care of me.
Con: I started talking crazy after I was injected with a form of morphine.

Monday- Off to work because I am stubborn and ridiculous
Pro: Got to go home because the office manager loves me/was still a little loopy in the head.
Con: Didn't get to watch a single trashy talk show because I slept the entire day.

Tuesday- Back to work, again, this time for real, kinda
Pro: Started to tackle the pile on my desk, got to take nap at work (see below).
Con: Turned ghost white and nearly fainted during a presentation.

Wednesday- Busy Bee Day!
Pro: Got a million things done including the part of desk pile, sent out an Evite, fixed someone else's mess at work, bought Halloween costume and much needed ink cartridges, and made Shauna B wear a stupid hat just so I could laugh at her during our shopping excursion.
Con: Mini-anxiety attack several times today and nearly lost my cute little Prada purse at the Halloween store.

Yes, it is just been a Fan-freaking-tastic week, in the most sacastic way. Thank God the weekend starts tomorrow with Task's arrival in Madison!

Sorry to my bestie SB, apparently I am a cruel, cruel person when stressed out.

Love you long time!