Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The Answers

Three Truths and a Lie:

1) True. I will not say publically who this Rocker is for a variety of good reasons, but mainly because I enjoy her music and that would therefore be disrespectful of me (see, I can be respectful at times..). Plus, I am not so sure her husband knew about her boyfriend anyway... It should also be noted for you curious types, I never actually dated the dude who broke up with the Rock Star and didn't even kiss him until years after this revelation. And no jerks, I did NOT steal her BF, not even close.

2) True. The original artist has recorded it, the major record studio now owns it, but they haven't re-released it main stream.....yet.

3) True. Most people know that I am German and Irish, but everyone forgets that I am English too. My aunt subscribed to some expensive genealogy thing and after plunking in names and DOBs it was revealed that we are related to the WWII British PM. Fan-freaking-tastic, right?

4) False. I have never been a private shopper and I don't know any Governor's wives, though my dad is pals with a former Gov.