Monday, February 07, 2005

Weekend Warriors

My weekend in review, the major points:

Turkish movie producers met: 1
Gurhaan "Al" Gurkin, looked a lot like Christian Slater, that is his strange, older, bastard half-brother who scares young children.

Funny Valentines made at the MCA's First Fridays: 3

Borderline stalkers met at a bar: 1
And he was from Michigan too!

Number of times stalker called within a 20 hour period: 3
Call 1- Drunk Dial, 5 am, left rambling voicemail;
Call 2- no apologies for drunk dial, no voicemail left; and
Call 3- In voicemail sounds like he is going to cry, talks about family drama and his niece who has Hepatitis B, and says he will call me later to make plans.

People waiting at late night Walk-up Window at Wrigleyville McDonald's: 15

Madonna Impersonaters waiting in line behind me: 1
As well as a guy who dripped Big Mac on my shoes that he called "like Dorothy's ruby red slippers, except purple and more ethnic"

Times asked if I was in college: 3
Yep, I still look 21!

Cabbies who decided to give me love advise: 2
And both of them gave me their numbers and promised to be my personal cabbie whenever I need one.

"Yuppie" Beers consumed while watching Super Bowl: 1
Really it isn't that bad.

Stomachs upset by my cooking: 2
I can't even make pre-made, pre-cut Splenda cookies right! I even followed the directions.

Drinks spilled on my carpet by Wendi: 1
Adding to her total of 14 since 2002. Hey, at least she didn't accidentally flush my contacts down the drain this week!