Friday, February 18, 2005

...But I do use my Poli Sci Major..

Oh that's just great Bushy! Another fab-u-lous bill that you signed into law. You are so very right, it is great to protect big (ie corrupt) corporations from taking responsibility for their wrongdoings.

And your rational behind this: many class action lawsuits are frivolous. Your unfounded reasoning scares me. Class action lawsuits are filed for a variety of reasons, and to group them all into one neat little pile is ridiculous and irresponsible. What frightens me more though, is your desire to next cure that pesky asbestos litigation. Are saying that you are willing to compromise the health and lives of many who suffer from something that has no effective treatment?

Once wisely proclaimed by Lincoln that the United States is "by the people, of the people, and for the people," you have dismissed this logic and now made this nation even more so friendly to big business instead of the small folks. Way to go.