Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Ugly Christmas Sweaters

Recently Katie and Eric hosted a party. It got a little out of hand. Please view pics, they really don't need too much explanation as to why: a) ugly Christmas sweaters can be cool if it is a themed party, b) we were all terribly hung over the next day and c) mash potato fights, strawberries smeared on the wall and spilled Cosmos on the floor can lead to a hefty clean-up the next day.

If you could read the sign it would say "Keep the Christ in Christmas." It was "found" on the way to the bar.

This is Junior. He feel asleep at the bar. It was a looong day of drinking. 12 hours to be exact.

Normal people would use cutlery while dining on
Thanksgiving-esque food. Apparently our crowd wasn't the normal type. Utensils used instead of actual silverware included: a) hands (with lots of licking of other's fingers), b) a drumstick, c) a hammer, and d) a candy cane.