Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Take That and Rewind it Back..

Kiddies, as per request, here is what I have been up to, kinda. Well it is the half-ass version of what I have been up to.

No, I haven't died.
No, I haven't crawled under a rock.

I have legit things going on, really I do. I am kinda important at somethings I guess. Whatever. Anyway...

*Karaoke with Shelly: Madonna and The Bangles will never been quite the same;

*Mom wears Velour to lunch date with daughter, Elle either horrified or intrigued;

*Dreams dashed of being Millionaire contestant after Elle fails to win office jeopardy game at holiday party. Parting prize a $15 Starbucks gift card;

*Male friend accused of being boyfriend again by office, Andy still just the best non-date "date;"

*Asymmetrical tops still ugly as sin and should NEVER be worn; and

*Trip to Chicago yields eating glowing gummy worms with Jenna, dirty martinis at Le Bar, meeting Jenna's soul mate, and "shaking my shit in front of Neighbor Nate's Door..."

Up next: Look for a post sometime next week regarding the charity luncheon with some of the state's finest lunching ladies. Accomplices HK and Lisa O to wear hideous holiday velvet dresses along with yours truly. Another "Big Deb Hair" appearance might be arranged for too. There will also be a fur coat to wear. Yes, an alum heard about our mischievous antics and to help us look totally ridiculous lent me her ugly spare fur. Sometimes I love causing trouble. Get jazzed. This should be good.