Wednesday, September 07, 2005

A Labor of Love

Labor Day Weekend Adventure: The Minnesota version

Friday 5pm-10pm: A looooong day on job results in a massive migraine, it was suggested I take a Tylenol PM to knock myself out for the night's road trip to the Twin Cities. Wouldn't David and Andy then get to enjoy some much appreciated quiet-like-ness for the entire 4 hour trip?

10:00pm-1:00am: Our evening's Twin Cities hostess Anne, was already out at the bars as we rolled into the city. With luggage quickly strewn about her apartment, we were off to see one of The Cities finest drinking establishments. Quickly I was introduced to a few tasty Mojitos followed by the dangerous CL Sake Bomb...

Forced to wear stupid bandanas for doing the Sake bomb:

And then there was running through a sprinkler system at 2:00am while on the way home. It was hot out....

2:00am-Some ungodly hour: Anne, the little prankster that she is, introduced a nearly sleeping Andy to a buzzing machine, Michelle of course blamed for "Jolt" of terror.

The Summer of Sorority Sister Weddings, part II

My date: Andy, the bestest date for evs

The story: Stacee met Allen at the military base church while both were deployed in Saudi Arabia. Damn, that is cute.

The review: Stacee had never looked more beautiful or more content. I honestly don't think I have ever been this happy for anyone my whole life. Congrats SA, I knew you would find your much deserved prince charming!

The highlights:
Saturday 11:00am-1:00pm: Lacking in sleep department. Brain feels partially melted. Craving for a decent length nap, warm PJs, a tasty DC, McDonald's grease, axe pic to be removed from my head, in no particular order.

2:30pm: Arrive late to Stacee's wedding, forced to sit in the back like the degenerates we are. Have a sinking feeling that I am directly going to hell for swearing accidentally on church premises multiple times. Vows were exchanged, I sob uncontrollably, so much so the woman sitting in front of us, turns around. Dang, a good wedding gets to me, what do you want?! Soon it is Communion time and I am of course distracted with my compact mirror as my dripping tears of joy has caused my mascara to make me look like a raccoon. And yes, I realize make-up application while in church is also hell-bound worthy. Realizing the Communion line was rapidly approaching the front, a cat-like leap over my companions was necessary. I clomped in my ill-fitting bastard heels in a Michelleish manner down the aisle. Bride Stacee, then facing the alter, later laughed as she divulged that she knew it was me causing the commotion as I high-tailed it for the "blessed sacrament." Excellent, perhaps me being as ass was also caught on tape!

3:30pm- Wedding ends, hugs exchanged, rice thrown. God apparently forgave me for all the days wrong-doings as I am miraculously cured of the venomous plauging me post church. I felt so much better and soon realize starvation mode kidding in, so much so that my cold untouched McDonald's burger which was left in the car during the wedding was eaten. Even Andy, king of eating 4 day old pizza that has been sitting on his coffee table the entire time, was grossed out. I didn't care. I was hungry.

5:00pm-12:00am- Reception dance, inevitably Yeah!, the theme song from the 2004 Baltimore Adventure with Alicia is played, lyrics screamed, dancing proceeds. Alicia's momma finds the photo opp funny, and clicks away. Great, the scrapbook from hell...

A few photos from the Reception:

Stacee gets her man, while Alicia actually gets Klabanoff to dance

The UW crew in attendance