Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Dating Disaster (as Usual)

Yesterday I had a lunch date with an extended family member. She of course asked if I was dating anyone, to which I rolled my eyes and told her my latest dating horror story...

The current dating misadventures include: 1) a date with a guy who once considered a career in the religious services industry and 2) a guy who plans on milking unemployment for a while. Had I known such crucial information about them prior, obviously I would have made myself perma-busy every time they would ask to hang out....or perhaps changed my phone number.

Really can you see me with either? The Minister? What he saw in me, his polar opposite, I don't know if I will ever understand (trust me, he knew what he was getting himself into prior to our first official date). My only logical explanations: perhaps he is one of those do-gooder types that enjoys saving the wicked, maybe it would afford him some brown points with the big guy. Or maybe he is the kind of guy that enjoys dating the "project/fixer-upper," I myself like a good "project" to work on, but seriously, I don't think he is going to be able to turn water into wine when dealing with me (though I could appreciate a good glass of wine now, oops, see there I go...).

And don't even get me started about the unemployment prince. Ambitions are required and not negotiable, asshole.

I swear I don't pick these guys up hanging out at gas station...

I forgot to mention the minister said my domineering personality made me more so the "alpha male type" in comparison to him. Wait, what is that all about? Seriously, let's break this down. I am pretty sure that this means he would then be the self-admitted bitch of the situation. Oh geez, now I feel bad (and perhaps realize that I am potentiality giving myself bad karma for shit-talking the Jesus type)... I should say, the Minister is nothing but sweet, (and what girl can't appreciate that?) he is just not right for me.

Oh yes, and the jobless dude had to have been strung out on our date. Neat. Lovely picture, yes?


After she laughed at me and my situation she then tried to hook me up with a construction worker as we walked back to work. Ugg. I give up.

Today she sent me this link to be funny. Great now I just have to just carry around a little DNA test kit in my purse. My pick up like could be, "Hey baby, what's your DNA like?" Or maybe I could just be more forward and ask to swab some cells from their mouth. Not really sure which one I will try this weekend.