Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Just go before I start freaking crying....

How to say goodbye several ways in Japanese:
*Jaa nee
*Itte rasshai (so long)
*Dewa mata (see you later)

I wonder if this explains anything about the friendship that Wendi and I have had since 2002-

Our first official outing: Wendi's 23rd birthday party sent a friend to the hospital for alcohol poisoning
Our last official outing: Wendi's going away party that ended at 9 am with bodies strewn all over the sticky beer coated floor/front yard.

In between regular acts of intoxication, this Red became one of my very best friends. I don't think you know how much I will miss you. Thanks for it all: the drama, the laughter, the tears, the scoldings I had to give you for your lack of punctuality, the boyfriends, the road trips, the immaturity, the Ethiopian food, the Cubbies, the ciggies, the waxing philosophical, the Republican hatred, the bitching, the speeding tickets, the fighting and the listening.

I heart you Wendi! Good luck in Japan and try not to get arrested and/or wind up being a geisha (since I cannot be there to chaperone).