Wednesday, June 22, 2005

College Days Re-Visited

MEMORIAL UNION- Yesterday area Sentimental Junky and Union Groupie, Michelle, spent her lunch break in the Trophy Room of the Memorial Union reminiscing about years past while eating a Veggie Pita, in the bag, with a fork, after covering it in ranch dressing and two packets of mustard. In typical fashion, care was also taken to remove all signs of onion. In between bites of Michelle’s daily college lunch, the local news spoof paper, The Onion, was read and giggled at as well. Casual meanderings through the building, post-lunch, shocked the Junky to still be recognized by long time Union employees even though her tenure tearfully ended in August 2002 with a move to Chicago.

Despite the fact that the Groupie spent every college day in the Union either lunching, working, drinking woodchuck, getting Task to buy French Fries on his WisCard, and/or attempting to study, she claims she will never get tired of the building and probably will attempt to drag the majority of the Madison friends there on a semi-regular basis.

While today’s post might not sound all that interesting, those who dined with me on a regular basis in college understand quite well just how ridiculous my OCD habits are. So this one is for you, an opportunity slay, my special Union lunching friends...