Monday, March 07, 2005

Wendi celebrates the liberation of Martha Posted by Hello

CHICAGO HAPPY HOMEMAKER'S CLUB- A single mother of two, a soon to be bride, two feminists, a future desperate housewife, lame John Dynamite, a hipster cousin, and two dudes who came to see the ladies in their sexy aprons, celebrated the release of Martha Stewart from jail early Saturday evening. Vegetarian-friendly food was prepared with love by the Redheads. Melinda dusted off her grandmother's two tier silver petit-four tray, normally reserved for the top shelf in her kitchen, and provided a combination cheese and fruit platter which complimented Michelle's Pinot Grigio. With the boredom of the suburban lifestyle taking over the party, cigarettes were smoked, tequila shots passed out and "interesting" crafts created. The evening climaxed with drunken Speed Scrabble and Jenna and Michelle throwing fits because they couldn't outfox the Redhead family.