Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Oh My God....

You will not believe the topic of convo at dinner tonight. I question how do I get myself into these situations. Let me explain....

While dining with several ladies, being the entertainer that I am, it was requested that I tell a dating horror story. Seeing as I have what will one day be a voluminous work of non-fiction, I was happy to oblige. I started with the most recent of victims, as you know a humorous situation. As I narrated the social atrocity of his psychoses, it was quickly realized that the Mitten Sniffer had also gone on a date with one of the girls whom I was dining with. Soon thereafter it was discovered that the email asking "am I good looking enough for you, because I want to meet your standards" was not an original email, but a form email that he sent after every first date that he goes on. WTF? Granted I did think it was a bit weird. And yes I did laugh out loud when I read it. But in all seriousness, who does that and then send it as well to another girl. What a head case.

Needless to say, she and I laughed so hard at the situation that surrounding tables began to look at us strangely. Never a dull moment in my life...