Saturday, May 21, 2005

Thoughts Floating in My Brain Today.....

Things I am not meant to do:
*Be Martha Stewart-esque, my nails are ruined from last night's cleaning adventure;
*Be a realtor, even though I have had 20 offers on my apartment since yesterday, I am choosing the girl who sounded the nicest on the phone (ok and cause she agreed to pay full rent); *Be Beyonce, though I do still contend that out of our crap-ass girl band, I am the Beyonce;and
*Navigate and/or find anything, I admit that I could get lost in the outskirts of good ole SP;

Things I am meant to do:
*Paralegalise the hell out of anything;
*Microwave all meals;
*Freak out on a regular basis;
*Try to remember what life was like prior to my Pink Ipod;
*Entertain the masses; and
*Move back to Madison, cause the whole process has been sooooo easy, it must be a sign from above.