Sunday, November 06, 2005

Girls Night Out

How I spent my Friday night:

1) Sushi with JMo and Shauna B followed by an ice cream tasty treat.

Shauna B was late, JMo was spaced out, and Michelle hurdled colorful insults which shouldn't be laughed at, but were. A typical night out.

During dinner it was discussed how we need to broaden our social circle, considering our group heavily consists of ex-frat boys who would rather play Mario-Kart than enjoy and guaranteed nonsensical evening out. Yes, a Madison degenerate A-Team was discussed ripped off directly from Sugar's infamous ad placed on Chicago's craiglist. We will be taking applications. Candidates most posses the ability to not be offended easily, enjoy an adult beverage on occasion, provide quirky entertainment on each outing, can appreciate the healing properties that a good bitch fest can provide from time to time, and are motivated more than a our slug male counterparts.

2) Trip to Candidate No. 1's apartment for interview

Caroline, a brazen fox, who thinks I am hysterical. She's laid back, she's fun, and I suspect she might enjoy stirring up trouble. Conclusion: Caroline, you are so in...

Initiation ritual: Eh, we couldn't think up one...none of us were really with it. The best we could do was when her BF requested via text for a fruit roll-up drop-off at the bar he was working at, we ate the fruit roll-ups and stuffed the empty wrappers with tampons. Boys hate tampons. Comedically genius, if you ask me.

Boys are stooopid, they will never know...

[EDITOR'S NOTE: Please excuse Klabanoff from the lazy slug list. He in fact is not a lethargic stain on the couch. He frequently can be found out on the town with us ladies, even if it is just to make fun of us. Everyone else while it was lovely having you out on Tuesday, please make your presence known more often]