Sunday, December 05, 2004

The Best Christmas Present Ever....

I was pleasantly (when pleasant means spitting out a gulp of Diet Coke on a computer screen and letting out a scream that rivals Jamie Lee Curtis' in Halloween) surprised to be greeted this morning with an email from the "Fannypack."

Fabio found it necessary to inform me that we can resume our text-messages now because he found a way to do it for free. Wow! How sweet! You found a way to make it possible for us by simply resolving our lack of communication issue (sorry darling, I don't speak Portuguese and you really don't speak English...). We can reconvene our fabulous 3 week relationship because you have so impressed me with your new level of frugality...yes, please let's do it!! I can't wait!

Things that I look forward to:

1) I can get a complex again because you think you are prettier than me!
2) I can stare at your lovely shark tattoo!
3) We can watch Love Actually again by your suggestion!

I don't think I could be more overjoyed! Now we will be as happy as Britney and Kevin!