Sunday, December 19, 2004

Air Head

The New Man

EAST OAK STUDIO APARTMENT- The Raft, more commonly known as an Aerobed, has been dumped by Michelle. The Raft spent it's last night sleeping with Michelle on Friday and deflated early Saturday in preparation for the arrival of a new more adult bed. "Die you bastard die! I never liked you anyway! You make weird sounds and look funny!"

This torrid love affair began in August of 2002 with the realization that the elevators in Michelle's Chicago vintage apartment building were found to be the size of a coat closet and therefore unsuitable for moving a bed to the 11th floor. Being lazy and not wanting to use the winding stairs, the Raft was purchased and easily moved via freight elevator. Heather, Michelle's roommate, also did the same.

Grateful that her parents, in the Christmas spirit, took pity on her and bought the bed, Michelle looks forward to the new possibilities. "Finally, I don't have to worry about rolling into the crack in between the bed and wall! I won't even have to dive just to get on my bed!"

Posted by Hello


Sunday Girl said...

Wow Michelle! Your very own grown up bed. I'm so proud of you. You are a big girl. Now if we could only get you to stop using the pull-ups...

VelvetJinxx said...

It's a man trap

Elle said...

Exactly as J said, a man trap...and it isn't mosquito is butterfly netting!

Tequila Red said...

I think it's Saran Wrap for Chads. Keeps 'em fresh.