Thursday, October 28, 2004

The Hottest New Club in America

I am sensing a looming personal crisis (because who really wants to be 25?). After numerous conversations about how dreadful it is to be an adult (ok, so pretty much just pretending to be an adult), soon being closer to 30 than 20, and with all my single friends dropping like flies, I hereby am founding a Peter Pan type club.

Registration begins today and will last indefinitely. Qualifications to join will require it’s members to have the desire to go on the occasional drinking bender that results in deadly hang-overs, doing as one pleases with only having to answer to yourself, no budgets/endless shopping sprees, and absolutely no marriage anytime soon. Send a $25 check my way to join and I will send you your official membership card (Please note, being the nice girl I am, I also will accept flowers and/or gifts instead of the $25. I also will take your credit cards…).

EDITOR’S NOTE: Karin, Carissa, and Stacee, congratulations on your recent engagements, and as much as I love you as sisters and want to include you in the ass-kicking club, this club is only for us Singletons banding together and standing strong! It is about time someone does something before our Single species is extinct.


Sunday Girl said...

I get to be VP! Don't forget about the theme nights like Drinking Games Night, to be followed by Dress Like You Are Going to have Meaningless Sex Night, and my personal favorite Singleton Karoke Night (no duets allowed!). And of course there will be one mandatory trip a year to Vegas or Jamaica or something. Why? Because we can damn it!